Active People, Healthy Nation
Have you heard this tag line before?
Neither had I until I read about the prevalence of inactivity in the U.S. (
The goal of the CDC-led “Active People, Healthy Nation” initiative is to help Americans become more physically active.
This research by the CDC asked a simple question: “During the past month, other than your regular job, did you participate in any physical activities or exercises such as running, calisthenics, golf, gardening, or walking for exercise?” As a nation, 25.3% of people responded “No” to this question over a 4-year period (2017-2020)!
That’s 1 in 4 people who have not gone for a walk or done anything physical in the past month. This can lead to a multitude of physical and mental health issues including diabetes, obesity, heart disease, depression, cancers and more.
We write blogs and make videos here quite a bit about the powerful benefits of Pressing Reset, of breathing deeply and purposefully, and of moving often. But we don’t always clearly say “Invite a friend to move with you!”. So, the next time you visit your in-laws, don’t just sit on the couch talking… go for a “walk and talk”! Take you spouse/partner with you when you walk the dog. Encourage your family and coworkers to take the stairs instead of the elevator.
The next time you decide to go to the gym, hit your garage for a work-out or get on the floor to do some rocking and rolling, invite someone to join you.
Most of us realize how powerful movement can be to make us feel better. Why not share that with someone you know?
Active People, Healthy Nation is an HHS service mark. Use of Active People, Healthy NationSM does not imply review, approval, or endorsement by HHS.