Squat Deeper for Better Living and Big Gains
Click here to get Coach John Parker’s ‘Stretch, Prime, Restore’ Routine for getting deeper than you’ve ever been before in your squat AND feeling good!
John Parker
StrongFirst ELITE CSCS FDN-P Personal Trainer | San Diego, CA Kettlebells | Barbells | Bodyweight | Program Design
John Parker
StrongFirst ELITE CSCS FDN-P Personal Trainer | San Diego, CA Kettlebells | Barbells | Bodyweight | Program Design
5 Reasons to
Deepen Your Squat
- Functional and Natural Movement of your Body
- Good for Hip and Knee Health aiding in Overall Mobility
- Builds Muscle
- Improve Spinal Stability and Core Strength
- Aids in Healthy Digestion
Supplemental Resources for CrashProofing Yourself
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Join Coach John Odden once again as you level up your game with athletic explosive power in this 6 week training program.You'll dedicate 3 days a week to focusing on the 6 Pillars that will not only make you stronger and more powerful, but also crash proof.